Novices Guide To CryptoCurrency Trading Techniques

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Trading cryptocurrency can bring you many advantages. Strategies for trading will help you organize your strategies into a logical framework can be followed. You can track and improve your strategy to use cryptocurrency in this way.

The two main types of theories that you'll need to consider when you're developing a trading plan is technical analysis (TA) and fundamental analysis (FA). While we will distinguish the strategies that are applicable to which it is crucial to fully comprehend the differences between them prior to moving forward.

Since there are many different trading strategies, this article will cover some of the most common ones. This article is primarily focused on cryptocurrency trading strategies. However, they could be applied to other financial assets, including stocks, forex options, precious metals such as gold. Check crypto news videos to find out more about cryptocurrency.

Do you want to devise your personal trading strategy? This article will provide you with some basic guidelines on how to approach the cryptocurrency market speculation. A well-planned trading strategy can improve your odds of achieving your investment and trading goals.

What is a trading strategy?

A strategy for trading is a complete plan that addresses all aspects of your trading activity. It's a framework that you design to guide you through every aspect of trading.

Because it eliminates many unnecessary options, a trading strategy will help lower the risk of financial loss. While having a trading strategy isn't a requirement for trading, it can be life-saving at times. Your trading strategy should dictate the way you react to sudden market events (which can occur, and it is). That is having a plan for trading in place makes you prepared for what could happen. This will prevent you from making unwise decision-making impulsive that could frequently lead to huge financial losses.

The plan for trading may also include other guidelines. For instance, you could stipulate that you won't trade on Fridays, or that you won't trade if you are feeling exhausted or sleepy. Or you can establish a trading schedule, so you can only trade on certain dates during the week. Do you have the ability to keep an eye on the Bitcoin price throughout the weekend? Close your positions before the weekend. This type of advice can also be included in your trading plan. You can search for cryptocurrency news blog on

Designing a trading strategy can also require verification through forward and back testing. For instance, you could trade on paper using the Binance Futures testnet.

We'll be discussing two types of trading strategies in this article: active and passive.

As you'll soon discover the definitions of trading strategies aren't always exact, and there might be overlap between them. In reality, it could be worth considering an approach that blends several strategies.

Active trading strategies

Active strategies require more attention and time. We refer to them as active due to their continuous monitoring and regular monitoring of portfolios.

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Day trading is perhaps the most sought-after active trading strategy. There is a popular misconception think that all traders who are active are by definition day traders, but this isn't the truth.

Day trading involves the process of transferring and reversing positions on the same day. As such day traders try to profit from intraday price movements, i.e., price movements that occur in one trading day.

The expression "day trading" is derived from the traditional markets, where trading is open only during specific hours of the day. Day traders are not allowed to stay in positions overnight in these markets.

Many trading platforms for digital currencies can be used all day and 365 days per calendar. Day trading is utilized in a different way than cryptocurrency markets. It usually refers to an approach to trading that is short-term, in which traders take on and leave positions within 24-hours or less.

Day traders generally employ technical analysis and price action in order to come up with trading ideas. Besides, they may employ a variety of other strategies to discover inefficiencies within the market.

While day trading in cryptocurrency is extremely profitable, it is often stressful and demanding. It also carries significant potential for risk. Therefore, day trading is recommended for more advanced traders.

Swing trading

Swing trading is a type of long-term trading strategy which requires holding positions for longer than a single day, but usually less than several weeks or a month. In certain ways, it is in between day trading and trend trading.

Swing traders usually seek to profit from periods of volatility that can last for a few days or weeks to develop. Swing traders may use a combination of fundamental and technical factors to formulate their trade ideas. Naturally, fundamental changes may take longer to develop which is the reason fundamental analysis plays a role. Even so chart patterns, technical indicators also be a significant part of a swing trading strategy.

Swing trading is the simplest to use active trading strategies for beginners. A significant benefit of trading in swings over day trading is that swing trades require more time to play out. They're still small enough to make it easy to monitor the trade.

This gives traders more time to think about their decisions. In most cases they will have time to evaluate the way that trades are unfolding. Swing trading offers more time and rationality in making choices. On the other hand day trading usually requires quick decisions and rapid execution, which isn't ideal for beginners.


Sometimes referred to as market trading, trend trading is a method which involves holding positions for more time, usually at least a few months. Trend traders seek to make money from directional trends, just as the name implies. Trend traders can take a long position in an uptrend, and an open position in the downtrend.