How To Set Up A Dedicated Server In V Rising

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If you choose one of the two options above, players will need to go to the folder that hosts their server files. Follow these steps to configure the server settings.

- Right-click on start_sever_example.bat and select Edit - In the last line of the file editor, add a server name in quotations after -serverName, and a save name file after -saveName Save and close the file - Navigate to the VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings folder next - Open the ServerHostSettings.json file and change the Name and SaveName portion to the same that was entered in the previous file - You will need to fill out a section for a password and a description. Gaming This is to allow trusted players to join and to let them know what you expect. - Take a note about the Port and QueryPort numbers - Save your money and exit This is how the server is setup. The ServerGameSettings section provides options for PVP and PVE availability. The next step is to make your server live and dedicated.

- Turn on the server by launching the start_server_example.bat file - When the black windows appear and the lines form, the server is running - At this point, join the server, create a new character, then quit the game and shut down the server - To shut down the server, open it again, click in the dark area of the window and press Ctrl+C. Type Y and hit enter - Access the save-data/Saves/v1/[your server's save name] folder Delete all autosave files and save them here. - Type %Appdata%\..\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Saves\v1 into the Windows Explorer bar - Find the V Rising save folder for the server that is scheduled to become dedicated - Make a backup of the files just to be safe, and copy all autosave folders into the save-data/Saves/v1/[your server's save name] folder - Go back to %Appdata%\..\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRising\Saves\v1 and copy the ServerGameSettings.json and ServerHostSettings.json files - Move to %Appdata%\..\LocalLow\Stunlock Studios\VRisingServer and paste the files from the previous step there Go back to the first step and turn the V Rising server on after everything else has been accomplished. Join the server that was created and begin playing on the private and dedicated server.