GitHub Alexivkinminecraftlauncher Offline Linux Minecraft Launcher In Pure Bash For Standard And Forge Versions

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A smarter way of managing multiple minecraft installations on Linux. It can download and install Minecraft version on-demand, along with all the necessary libraries and assets. This works well with the minecraft launcher for Linux.

- Supports the normal (aka vanilla/mainline) and Forge Minecraft versions on-demand installation. - Works with offline profiles - Allows multiple version, player profiles, and mod configurations to all be accessible simultaneously. - Keeps game assets separate and versioned libraries separated for easier file management

Prerequisites: Make certain you have the following tools installed: sha1sum, unzip,curl, curl

Running: ./start

- To run a Forge version add a suffix "-forge" to the version, for example ./start 1.17.10-forge player1. To see the current versions of Forge and normal versions, run the script with an uninstalled version, such as. Citizensnpcs minecraft servers /start 0. player1,./start.0-forge player1. - To create game profiles with the same game version (and the same player name) to test different mods, enter a name for the profile in the last argument.

1. To download and rebuild everything, delete the subfolder "versons". You can delete versions and player profiles from separate folders. 2. #1 may not work for Forge versions. To re-download everything, delete the Forge and the mainline versions folders.

How to add it the KDE desktop

To get the desktop link clone and the minecraft icon, run the following: To install the icon

sudo install -Dm644 minecraft-launcher.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps/minecraft-launcher.svg

Then change the desktop file to run this launcher and make it available locally

cp minecraft-launcher.desktop ~/.local/share/plasma_icons/

How to do reproduce manually what this launcher does

- Run the official Java launcher. Login and launch the game. The launcher will download the necessary files to the new version. These files are listed in the manifest. - Find the native libraries in the process name with ps -ef Then copy that folder cp -a /tmp/folder $HOME/.minecraft/versions/$ver/$ver-natives. These are the native libraries. - Copy-paste the whole -cp argument from the java process, along with the java args to a run script. Run the script.