"Ask Me Anything": Ten Responses To Your Questions About Integrated Fridge Freezers

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Why Buy an Integrated Fridge/Freezer?

Refrigerators that are integrated into cabinets and give an elegant look to your kitchen. They are also more likely to last longer than freestanding fridges.

However integrated fridge freezers come with their own set of unique advantages and disadvantages. They can be expensive and difficult to move. Should you invest in a snow sled?

Stylish design

Refrigerator freezers are a crucial kitchen appliance that are frequently used and can make a an impressive design statement. The latest refrigerators integrated with technology not only blend into your cabinetry but also feature intelligent technology that eases the stress of everyday life. For instance, defrosting is an issue you can eliminate thanks to Beko's frost free technology while adjustable shelving and convertible cooling drawers are a great way to store your items.

In comparison to freestanding models, integrated fridge freezers are more sleek and seamless. This makes your kitchen to be more open and spacious. The integrated refrigerators and freezers are available in a range of textures, colors and designs, so you can choose the perfect fit for your home.

A fridge freezer integrated/freezer built into a cabinet will cost more than an independent fridge. You will also have to purchase a housing cupboard, which is usually 60cm wide, as well as kitchen cabinet doors. This could add a substantial amount to your total costs.

It is important to keep in mind that an integrated fridge/freezer will still be less costly than an integrated model. Built-in refrigerators are more expensive since they extend out of the kitchen housing. A stylish integrated refrigerator will complement your kitchen cabinets seamlessly, giving a chic and elegant design to any home.


A fridge freezer built in can create a seamless kitchen look. The appliance is hidden behind the cabinet doors so there's no sticking out or the handles that jut out. You can also match it with your other kitchen units for a cohesive look.

Integrated larder fridges are typically larger than their freestanding counterparts, offering more storage space for your groceries. They are also more energy-efficient thanks to new insulation technologies that allow them keep the same size while reducing their energy consumption. Samsung's innovative SpaceMax Technology is one example of this. It allows the company to reduce the size of fridge freezers' walls and door thicknesses, which allows them to offer the same amount of storage space in a smaller external package.

Smart features such as multi-airflow technology and humidity controls can also aid in keeping your food fresher for longer. Bosch's energy-efficient models can help you cut down on the time that your groceries remain in the refrigerator with their FastChill or FastFreeze features.

If you're seeking to replace your larder fridge with a more up to date model, then think about an integrated fridge freezer that comes with a touchscreen. Samsung's Family Hub model, for instance, displays recipes, calendars and much more on its 21" screen - perfect for modern homes.

Energy efficiency

Refrigerator freezers are always in use and consuming energy, but new models are much more efficient than old ones. That's why it's worth considering upgrading your fridge if it's 10 years old or older.

Refrigerators with large integrated fridge freezer freezers provide more efficiency than freestanding counterparts. They blend into kitchen cabinets and are hidden which is why they're an ideal choice for modern kitchens. They are also typically deeper than freestanding models, meaning they can hold more food and drinks.

If you're looking to maximize efficiency in energy use, select a model that has a high A to G energy rating. These ratings are available on the appliance, or, if buying on the internet, in a data sheet that is below the main rating. The kWh number is crucial because it tells you the amount of energy that an appliance consumes during the year. The greater the kWh, more efficient the appliance.

It is crucial to remember that an integrated fridge freezer should fit inside a housing cupboard 60cm wide. Therefore, it's best to select one of the same size as your existing cabinets. If you're replacing a refrigerator or freezer ensure that it's at the end of a run, or you'll have to install an even taller cabinet. Verify the depth and height of your cabinet to make sure it's able to accommodate the new appliance.


If you'd like to see your fridge freezer blend seamlessly with your kitchen decor an integrated model will do the trick. This type of appliance is integrated into a cabinet, and can be customized to match your decor. Most models are made to fit into standard cabinets up to 178cm in height.

A few refrigerator freezers integrated with a smart feature which can be connected to WiFi. This allows you to keep all the food items in your fridge and set expiry dates, as well as make custom-made recipes dependent on the contents of your pantry. Other features include air flow technology, which distributes cool air evenly throughout the appliance, antibacterial linings, and fast-freeze modes that reduce temperatures quickly to ensure your food stays fresher for a longer period of time.

Refrigerators that are integrated with larders include drawers to store various food items. For example fish and meat prefer low humidity, as do fruits that enjoys high humidity to keep its freshness.

Integrated refrigerators are also great for kitchens with limited space and open-plan living spaces since they are more flexible in design than freestanding appliances. You can choose from a range of finishes and colours to match your decor and can be found in a range of widths and depths that will match any space. If you're searching for a fridge that has an integrated freezer, then check out the full range of models available at NE Appliances We offer free delivery and installation. We'll even take it off and recycle the old appliance if it is required.